Let's a talk a few rules here for a moment. I hate to sound picky but you gotta be here for fun. I don't ever want to hear that we're not serious enough. It's a game, let's keep it fun, that's why we play. Keep in mind that doesn't mean we don't want to win, that's a goal that we will have every game that we play. It's simply an attitude of good sportsmanship is all.
1. Have fun.
2. Show up for practices if you can. We don't want to control your life but if we never practice we won't ever win.
3. Help your teammates if you notice something that you think they could do better, but keep the critisism positive.
4. I would like to get everyone on one messenging service(AOL Instant Messenger, ICQ, MSN Messenger, etc.) ICQ is the best but I need to ask the favor for this not to be the choice. The reason being that I cannot, for some unknown reason, get it to work on my computer. I would like to suggest MSN Messenger. It's a good program to keep in contact with other players, but I'll send out emails to everyone when we're going to have practices or games to be sure. If you don't want to get a messenger that's fine, we'll keep contact through email. The download for the messenger can be found at messenger.msn.com
5. Get Roger Wilco. If you have it, great. If you don't you can get the download at www.resounding.com

Just a note:I got ICQ to work(hoo-ray!) my number is 54596844 if you would like to get a hold of me
To let me know that you want a spot on the team then send me an email at digitalsmurf@hotmail.com or leave a message for me on the message board. Have a very smurfy day!