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We are the Battle Smurfs and we're here to have a little fun playing Delta Force 1 Team Deathmatch with some of you other teams so if you're interested in taking us on, please let me know by emailing me at or leave a message for us on the board. If you would like a spot on the team then check out the rules of conduct...I promise that there aren't many :-)
Right about now we're just working on building a team so that we can begin to take on some other squads. Deathpeddler can also be reached about this if you email him at

Just a note: if anyone out there has got some really cool art depicting smurfs in battle, we would love to see them and perhaps post them on this page. A reciprocal link of some kind, whether it be a URL link or simply an email link will be given back with our thanks and appreciation :-)

I hate to give this guy traffic, but you gotta check this out...this guy has got way too much time on his hands...just click here and you'll see what I mean.







12/30/99: It appears that the Battle Smurfs are not Y2K compatible. After some discussion Deathpeddler and I decided to retire the team and let anyone who wanted to get on the team or was on the team to go to another team. Try the squad links perhaps or if you have another team in mind please go there.
11/25/99: Added an ICQ panel to the page so that you can get a hold of me easier now
11/25/99: Switched to being a DF 1 squad until we are satisfied with DF 2 online, it seems that DF 1 is still the more popular game by far...
11/17/99: Added some screen shots of this kick-ass game
11/05/99: There is now a message/challenge board available.

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*Smurfs and the distinctive Smurf likeness are registered trademarks of Peyo SEPP. © PEYO 1998 - License IMPS.
*Delta Force 2 is a trademark of Novalogic.
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